

Common production of aeronautical information for the Central and Northern Region of Europe
since 1986
CENOR is a co-operative project of the Armed Forces of Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Poland, and the Netherlands. On behalf of these participating states, I would like to welcome you to the official CENOR website.
Today, more than ever before, the safe conduct of military IFR flight operations depends, among other important things, on the availability of valid flight information. CENOR FLIP production started almost 30 years ago based on the idea, that a centralized production of flight information publications matching a common standard increases the safety of flight operations and a centralized distribution of those publications ensures the timely dissemination of flight information.
CENOR FLIP consist of three printed publications, each containing Aerodrome Charts, Instrument Departure Charts, Instrument Approach Charts and Standard Instrument Arrivals. We are committed to produce the CENOR FLIP according to current data quality requirements, maintaining the highest possible level of quality and integrity. Fundamental aspect of our efforts are the “CENOR Specifications” according to which we design, draw and publish. We are continuously working on and improving this common standard to ensure that our aeronautical information is in line with the requirements of our national flying communities as well as national and international regulatory requirements.
Given the current rate of technological development, we managed to face new challenges. Already most of our flying communities are using electronic flight bags for military flight operations. We provide digital aeronautical data for electronic devices on the same effective date as the printed booklets.
We will take account of new developments and provide appropriate future solutions that will meet the special requirements of our users, like the increasing number of not only Area Navigation (RNAV) procedures mainly based on GNSS technologies, but also High Performance Military Aircraft (HPMA) procedures.
The CENOR aeronautical information in the FLIP and on our website is intended to meet your expectations. If not, please do not hesitate to send your comments via email to the CENOR Office. All national representatives working on this project will highly appreciate your feedback.
We wish every aircrew and all users of the CENOR aeronautical information safe flights.

About Cenor

The safe conduct of military IFR flight operations depends, among other important things, primarily on the availability of valid aeronautical information.
CENOR aeronautical information pertaining to the aerodrome charts (AD), instrument approach procedures (IAP), standard instrument departures (SID) and standard instrument arrivals (STARs)of nations must be available to such an extent as approved by the Participants and as long as they meet the CENOR specifications.
As aeronautical data is the basis for high-quality aeronautical information products, it is deemed necessary to adhere to common international quality standards. CENOR aeronautical information will therefore be produced and distributed in accordance with ICAO Annex 15 including the ICAO PANS AIM document and current European regulations regarding data quality requirements.
Procedures will be designed in accordance with STANAG 3759, ICAO DOC 8168 Volume II and ICAO DOC 9365. Procedures not adhering to these standards will be published with a clear warning as stated in the CENOR FLIP Specifications.
Aeronautical charts will be produced and published in accordance with ICAO Annex 4, ICAO DOC 8697, ICAO DOC 10066 and the NATO STANAG 3970. The CENOR aeronautical information will be published at specified time intervals and will be effective at an AIRAC date as laid down by ICAO and as decided by the CENOR Steering Committee. See our publication schedule for specific dates.

CENOR History


First idea of a common Flight Information Publication during a MAS meeting.
A first meeting of NATO member nations Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands and Norway takes place in Frankfurt, Germany.


The CENOR Memorandum of Understanding is ratified.
This is the official foundation of CENOR.
In the same year the CENOR FLIP IAP High and CENOR FLIP IAP Low are published.


CENOR FLIP SID was published for the first time.


Renewal of the CENOR Memorandum of Understanding.


Renewal of the CENOR Memorandum of Understanding.
Separate AutoCAD Specialist Meetings are introduced.


The production process of CENOR FLIP changes significantly.
The pages are delivered as digital data to the printing office.


CENOR website "" goes online.


Most of the CENOR FLIP procedures are made available for download.
The amount of printed procedures leads to a re-organization of the CENOR IAP booklets with geographical separated volumes 1 and 2.


Renewal of the CENOR Memorandum of Understanding. Czech Republic officially applies for membership.


The CENOR Forum goes online administrated by CENOR Participant Denmark.


Czech Republic becomes 6th CENOR member nation.


Renewal of the CENOR Memorandum of Understanding.
CENOR FLIP IAP and SID booklets are published at the same date in a 112 days cycle.


Complete revision of the CENOR website and the specialist forum.
The administration of the forum is handed over into German responsibility.


After more than 20 years the "CENOR Star" is replaced by a new logo.


CENOR celebrates 25 years of a common standard for FLIP production.


Poland becomes 7th CENOR member nation.


Re-organization of CENOR FLIP accomplished. With 07 FEB 2013 edition CENOR FLIP are published with a new structure.
In the same year release of the revised CENOR website matching the new CENOR FLIP color scheme.
In October 2013 Austria becomes 8th CENOR member nation.


Renewal of the CENOR Memorandum of Understanding.
In the same year the new designed CENOR website goes online.


First tests started to display CENOR procedures in an application.


CENOR Participant Austria had to leave CENOR for its own reasons. Digital CENOR aeronautical procedures are available for the first time within Foreflight application.


Renewal of the CENOR Memorandum of Understanding.
New CENOR Logo was designed by CENOR Participant Belgium.

CENOR Participants

Office Belgium

Office Czech Republic

Office Denmark

Office Germany

Office Norway

Office Poland

Office Netherlands

CENOR Products


Volume 1

Vol. 1 contains aeronautical information of Belgium, Denmark, Norway the Netherlands and Great Britain.


Volume 2

Vol. 2 contains aeronautical information of Germany.


Volume 3

Vol. 3 contains aeronautical information of Czech Republic and Poland

Enquiries and Feedback

All enquiries about delivery of CENOR FLIP and questions concerning procedures are to be addressed to the appropriate national CENOR office. If you like to notify us of any discrepancies or problems you find in the CENOR FLIP or put some constructive suggestions forward on how to improve our service, do not hesitat e to contact us via mail.
If you want to receive printed CENOR FLIPs please contact CENOR Office.